Pours into the bright energy source for the flesh, each drop, is containing the flesh to the love. 为肌肤注入鲜活能量源,每一滴,都蕴藏着肌肤的至爱。
Red made us salivate at the fresh and limpid cherries, bright and delicate roses, and juice-abundant melon flesh. 晶莹剔透的樱桃,鲜艳欲滴的玫瑰,汁水丰盈的瓜瓤,红色让我们垂涎。
Fruit skin was bright red ( with a fraction of orange), skin and break the flesh is soft, juicy. 果实表皮呈亮红色(很少一部分具有橘黄色),皮易破,果肉柔软、多汁,味酸。
The fruit is black green rind, bright red flesh, round with 11%-12% of center sugar content, the rind is about 1.2 cm thick. 果实圆形,果皮墨绿色,覆蜡粉,皮厚1.2cm左右;果肉红色,中心糖含量11%~12%,边糖含量7%~8%;
The bright yellow flesh is that of hard melting type. 果肉亮黄色,硬溶质,汁多,味甜,香气浓郁;